Wednesday, May 9, 2012

40% Favor Criminal over Obama in West Virginia Primary

In the West Virginia Democrat primary a Texas inmate received 40% of the vote. When given the choice between a convicted felon and the president 4 out of 10 voted for the criminal.

There is hope that more democrats have had enough "Hope and Change" and are unwilling to move "Forward" for 4 more years with Obama.

Read More:

This will be a story the the Obamamania Media will not report.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bakesales Banned in Boston

Massachusetts has banned bakesales. No more cake and ice cream at birthday parties, whole milk, and white bread at school either.    The food police have taken over in Massachusetts and have their eye on your state too.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

US Should Return Stolen Land to Indian Tribes

The UN has suggested that the USA return land to the Native Americans.  We agree that some land should go back to the Indians.  Lets start with the ground that the UN sits on.  That way the Native Americans can turn it into a casino! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Results of the Arab Spring

Obama and the rest of the libs were right out in from in their support of the Arab Spring.  The picture they painted of a people struggling to obtain liberty and freedom was a vision of beauty.  This illustration of the Arab Spring was distorted.  Only now do we see the reality of the Arab Spring in clear focus.

What we now see is the crystal clear image of the real forces behind the Arab Spring.  An image of oppression and hate.  Egypt will soon have in place an Islamic fundamentalist regime ruling over the people.  Egypt new power broker will destroy  free thought and the rights of women.  This regime is so twisted that they believe it is proper to have sex with your dead wife for up to six hours after her demise.

In addition to the erosion of human rights this regime has increased hostilities with Israel.  Israel has experienced aggression form within Egypt that they have not experienced in thirty years.  It is not surprise the Israel has called up the military reserves.

We do not understand why women and Jews support the Democrat party in such numbers when the party's actions are contrary to Israel's and Woman's best interest. Dr. Michael Savage believes liberalism is a mental disorder.  We find no other explanation to women and Jews supporting a party that does not serve their interests.  In the case of women, free birth control pills and contraceptives have proven to only increase the unwed mother numbers.  Obama's policies toward Israel have only served to embolden Israel's enemies. 

Read more, Israel's call to arms:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Obama Looses Jewish Voters Over Foreign Policy

A recent poll shows that the president is loosing Jewish voters who care about foreign policy.  For the Jews that are paying attention to the actions of this administration toward Israel it is not kosher to vote for Obama a second term.  Even Mayor Koch has publicly denounced the presidents stance on Israel.  The Mayor, had been quoted as saying that democrats should vote for the Republican as a protest vote against the administration's Israeli foreign policy.  In the most heavily populated Jewish congressional district's special election to replace disgraced congressman sex text Weiner a Republican was vaulted into office for the first time in 100 years.

Poll Results:

Obama lifts freeze on $192 million aid package to Palestinian Authority

Obama's decisions to release $192,000,000 in aid to the PLO, an organization bent on the destruction of Israel will only loose him more Jewish votes.  The president would be experiencing greater losses in the Jewish demographic if it were not for the media's continued cover up of the president's actions.  In 2011 Congress froze these funds.  The president used an executive order/waiver to release the funds.  Congress is powerless to stop the president due to the persistent State of Emergency in effect since March 9, 1933.  The wheels are coming of the Chevy Volt as we head to the edge of a cliff.