Friday, September 2, 2011

No New Jobs in August, Obama Departs for Another Vacation!!!

President Obama achieves another first.  For the first time in 66 years the economy added no new jobs in August.  The first black president can now add no job growth to his record on the economy.  The history this president is making is killing our economy.  

August Numbers:

The credit downgrade, no job growth, mountains of new regulations and record deficit spending were not what voters thought the "Hope and Change" Obama promised he was going to deliver.  Blaming Bush and bad luck just will not cut it with anyone but the most radical left wing mentally ill any  longer. 

Next week the president is going to unveil his jobs plan of more failed policies of paying people for digging wholes at the expense of tax payers.  The president will also call for more taxes on the so called rich.  Class warfare and is no solution to our problems.  A change in the leadership in Washington is the only solution.

Obama had no comment on the August job numbers and is leaving for another vacation.  The total lack of leadership on his part is beyond description.  

President departs for Camp David: 

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